Not Your Average Lives Podcast | Episode 215

Episode 215: The Lessons From My Inner Critic

lessons learned series Apr 14, 2022

I'm excited to bring you my FIRST "Lessons Learned" episode of this new annual series! I'll be sharing one of these episodes every Friday, with the exception of the first Friday of the month, which is when I'll be airing my "Just Friggin' Do It" monthly episodes. 

In these "Lessons Learned" episodes, I'll be sharing something I have recently learned that I believe will provide you with new insight or a learning opportunity, maybe with an exercise - like this episode - or simply inspire you to look at something that has happened, maybe a mistake, as a great lesson.

In today's episode, I share an exercise that I did at a recent business retreat that focused on mindset. The exercise is a great way to uncover those unhelpful messages from the "Inner Critic" who unfortunately resides in all of us and controls a lot of our thoughts and decisions, keeping so many of us from achieving our full potential.

Listen in and do the exercise to discover how to catch those negative messages and turn them into affirmations that will diminish your Inner Critic's voice and remove some of the perceived blocks you may be experiencing.

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50% Complete

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