Not Your Average Lives Podcast | Episode 221

Episode 221: [JFDI #2] Connecting With My Dead Father

Yep, this episode is a doozy!!! I'm really stepping out into woo woo land with this one! I go into a lot more of my backstory than I typically do in my episodes which, including the telling of this amazing experience, makes this one a bit longer than most.

I honestly didn't know what to expect going into this appointment with a Medium. All I hoped for was that my mom would be able to connect with the love of her life and get something from it and boy oh boy did that happen in spades!

This is an example of something that I wanted to do for a long time. I began thinking about it before I ever met Gail, the Medium. And as I said in the episode, I believe I attracted her into my life, and perhaps my dad had a hand in that. But however it happened, the desire of my mind was enough to bring the opportunity into existence, and for that I'm immensely grateful.

It was an experience of a lifetime. It will be hard to match it. It was unbelievable that I actually got to communicate with my loved one who is no longer physically here. And for any skeptic out there, I know it was him because his personality came through exactly how he was. It was uncanny.

And I was able to get questions answered and the thoughts I've had about my mother's situation and how he would feel about it were validated.  

So I finally JUST FRIGGIN' DID IT! I took this thought of mine and put it into action. It was a crazy thought, a scary action (for many reasons), and it was so easy to keep putting off, once I met Gail and knew she could make this happen for me. And now it's become one of the most magical experiences of my life. How about that?!!!

So let my example be an inspiration to you to just go out and JUST FRIGGIN' DO IT!!! Take action on it today!

Below are links to some of the things I referenced in this episode are:

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:
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