Not Your Average Lives Podcast | Episode 230

Episode 230: Case Study: From Miserable To Hopeful To Happy with Frederica Wagner

mindset Jun 05, 2022

Today’s guest is Frederica Wagner, (aka "Fred") one of my students from the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™, who shares her story about how she transformed her life in record time, finding motivation, energy, and happiness, along with her authentic self who she had lost.

Fred - a 72 year old divorced mom of adult children, and a grandma, who recently celebrated 24 years of sobriety - recognized she had reached a new low point in her life where she had no direction, no focus, and sadly, no desire. In her words, she felt stuck, stagnant and miserable. 

Shortly after admitting to herself that she needed help, she stumbled upon the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™ where she found the support she needed. Once she made that commitment, she was ALL IN, and by following the program to a “T”, she got the breakthroughs she needed, becoming an inspiration to her fellow students.

Fred is a great example that if you show up and do the work, you’ll get the results you’re looking for, no matter what your circumstances or age. In this interview, she shares:

  • How she came upon me and the Second Half S.P.A.R.K. School™.
  • Why she decided to invest in herself.
  • The breakthrough that came early on in the process and shifted her perspective, and her surprise at how it magically appeared.
  • What she learned in the process and the ripple effect that it’s made in her relationships with her kids.

Now I’m happy to report that Fred is living the “not your average life” she didn’t think was possible. Tune in to this episode and let Fred’s story inspire you as evidence that it’s never too late to seek help and turn your life around in ways you may not think at this moment are possible.

The episode I did with personality expert, Alex Paulos, who Fred mentions in the interview, can be found here: EP57: Are You Really Showing Up Authentically With Alex Paulos

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