Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 284

Episode 284: [JFDI #9] When Your Body Is Sending Warning Signals

I was excited to bring you this episode where I talk about some non-conventional healing modalities that I've recently learned about - things that most western medicine doctors won't suggest or prescribe because, unfortunately, it's not what they're taught and it's not what pays their bills.

I made this a part of my Just Friggin' Do It series because I finally got serious about my health after over 3 years of dealing with mysterious stomach issues that can't be explained by my primary care doctor,

I was first pointed down this path by Christie Miller, a health coach, who I had on my podcast in June 2020 (See Episode 39). What's interesting is that even though Christie is a Health coach, she openly admits that she wasn't living a healthy lifestyle, and in early July found herself sitting in an oncologist's office being told she had an aggressive form of breast cancer.

So Christie went into action-mode which was researching everything she could about cancer, the treatment protocol her doctor was recommending, and talking to cancer survivors. Then she decided she was going to document her journey and start a blog and that's what caught my eye...

I saw her post a link to her blog on social media and I clicked through to read it out of curiosity. This is what I call a nudge from the universe. Nudges often begin with interest... something that's placed in front of you that makes you want to learn more.

After I read through Christie's first 2 blog posts, I felt my intuition screaming at me to check out the things she was sharing. At that moment, I decided it was time to just friggin' do it... to make good health a top priority and begin the process to solve my long term stomach issues.

So, in this episode, I'm sharing the things I've started doing to PREVENT cancer because I had a strong feeling after reading Christy's experience that I was headed down a similar path if I didn't make some serious lifestyle changes. My body has been sending me all the signals for 3+ years and I haven't been taking them seriously.

I talk about:

  • IV Ozone therapy, what it is and my experience with it.
  • Juicing and the concoction I've been drinking every day for almost 2 weeks.
  • The top anti-cancer supplements.
  • Chris Wark, survivor of Stage 3c colon cancer and his Square One program.

I'll be having Christie back on my podcast soon. She wants to share her story and I'm excited to give her this platform to do so.

And like I said on the episode, if either you or a close friend or family member is struggling with cancer, it's YOUR journey to navigate and you must pick what works for you and allow your friend or family member to choose theirs. We must be supportive of each other and not try to force what we think is right on someone else.

What I believe is most important is that we share information we come across that may be helpful so that people have the knowledge they need to make the best decision for them.

So my hope is that this episode is both informative - that it makes you stop and think about your lifestyle and where it might be leading you - and that it provides someone, whether you or someone you love, with options that can really help. 

Links for the things I mentioned on the episode are:

If you know someone who is battling cancer, or struggling with their health like me, and will benefit from this information, please share it. Don't withhold it because you have your own opinion about it. Share it and let them decide. 

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and subscribe to (or follow) the podcast (if you haven't already) so you don't miss any new episodes.

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Email: [email protected] 


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