Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 298

Episode 298: The Lessons In Misinterpreting Your Purpose Signs

lessons learned series Jan 28, 2023

I believe this episode came from Heaven above because I was so inspired to deliver it. When I sat down with the idea, the words just flowed onto my tablet as I was creating my outline and notes.

I think it's a message every person needs to hear because I've come to realize the big mistakes people are making when trying to find their purpose because I HAVE MADE THEM!

I am the example of what not to do!!! I am the example of taking the long, meandering and misaligned road. But I'm happy to share my mistakes with you in the hopes that you meander less and get straight to doing the work that lights you up most - the work you are meant to do.

I share 3 aspects of purpose and they are all important in understanding how they must be combined to bring you deep purpose:

  • your skills
  • your gifts
  • "bright" work

Tune in to learn how these 3 aspects must work together and how easy it is to misinterpret the signs that are trying to LEAD YOU to your purpose.

If you're curious about the episode I mentioned about how I rekindled with my college sweetheart, CLICK HERE to listen to that crazy story. 

If you're curious about the Second Half SPARK School and would like to hear more about it, CLICK HERE to get on the waitlist so you'll be the first to get an email when the door opens and information is available. 

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Email: [email protected] 


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