Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 309

Episode 309: JFDI #12: Going Deep On Human Design and Self-Discovery!

In this episode I share my experience of having my human design chart read by a human design expert from the School of Human Design. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for over a year and I finally just friggin’ did it!

If you’re not familiar with human design, it is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered that helps individuals truly understand their authentic selves and know when they are not showing up as the person they were born to be. It also explains the areas where we are likely to be most inauthentic and susceptible to conditioning by others.

I discovered by own human design a little over a year ago but only touched the surface with it, not understanding the many nuances about it because a chart is very complex. Think of it like the operating manual for your conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself and it really takes an expert in the field, to read and interpret the human design language for you.

In this episode I share:

  • The five human design types and why knowing your type is important information to have.
  • How many centers a type has and what it means if a center is defined or undefined.
  • How you can tell when you're not being your authentic self and examples from my reading.
  • A big aha I got during my chart reading about how I’ve incorrectly been interpreting my feelings of excitement.

If you’d like to find out your own human design, you can get a free copy of your chart at the International Human Design School site which has a ton of free information and is also where you can book a Foundational Analysis which is a reading with an IHDS Certified Professional. 

You may want to check out the official book on Human Design: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation by Ra Uru Hu which has detailed explanations that can help you understand your chart so it’s a great first step before getting a reading.

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