Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 311

Episode 311: The Lesson in a Life Lived Without Values

lessons learned series Mar 19, 2023

In today's Lessons Learned episode, I continue the conversation I started in Episode 310 about how critical it is to have goals that are aligned with your values, but in this episode I thought it would be useful to hear a real-life example so I'm sharing my values and goals.

I'm guessing some of them may resonate with you since you're here listening to my episode and, for that reason, we're probably of like minds. We tend to navigate to people who have similar values to us.

So that's a great hint if you're like I was - someone who was navigating through life totally unaware of what my values are and not having any personal goals. 

I hope this episode brings awareness to what your values are, gets you focused on identifying goals that align with those values, and really paying attention to who you're around and what you're doing day-to-day that's either aligned or misaligned to those values.

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