Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 356

Episode 356: 6 Truths My Divorce Taught Me

mindset Aug 27, 2023

My interview with Elise Buie in Episode 355 of my podcast inspired me to share a few of the lessons I learned by following through on my decision to divorce my first husband.

I wasted some valuable years not taking action on what I knew deep down I wanted to do. Instead, I sat in fear and indecision, living a passionless life. I was dispassionate not only in my marriage but in everything I did.

I know I'm not alone because I've talked to many women who stay in unhappy marriages for many of the same reasons. If that's you, this episode is for you!

Maybe the 6 truths I share are ones you need to hear because my guess is, if you are sitting in inaction, they are things you haven't learned yet, and you never will if you don't take the action necessary to live a happier existence. But if you do choose to make living your best life your goal, I know you will find them to be true too.

Fear and indecision won't make you happy. They will keep you in a dark place where your light is dimmed - a place I don't think you want to live anymore. And it's certainly not a place you'll look back on at the end of your life and say: "I'm so glad I chose THAT!"

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