Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 363

Episode 363: Sedonaā€™s Lessons: 5 Things I Learned at my Retreat

mindset Sep 19, 2023

In today's episode, I'll be sharing some incredible insights that I gained from my recent retreat in Sedona, Arizona. This event was about stepping outside of my comfort zone to bring a long-held dream into my reality and fostering an environment for the participants so they could get profound insights and experience the pure magic of bonding with others who also desire a transformative experience. 

In this episode, I discuss:

  • Why it's so important to expose yourself to opportunities for self discovery and personal growth.
  • The incredible power of releasing control and surrendering to the guidance of the universe.
  • The feeling of “flow” that comes when you align with your most authentic self, get present, and focus on an activity you love.
  • Why finding the right environment and activities that allow amazing "aha" moments and profound breakthroughs to be received from the universe is key.
  • The transformative impact of connecting with like-minded souls who share similar values and goals.

So, join me on this journey of self-discovery and growth for me as well as the others who participated. Get inspired to take action that will guide you further down your own personal development path. 

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