Living Your Sparked Second Half Podcast | Episode 397

Episode 397: Choosing Drastic Change and A Passionate Endeavor After the Empty Nest, with Jeanne Blasberg

mindset Mar 21, 2024

Today’s guest is Jeanne Blasberg, a seasoned author on the brink of releasing her third book, who shares her captivating story of starting anew at the age of 58 by bravely venturing into the realm of regenerative farming alongside her husband in a state she had never visited, leaving behind their former life in bustling Boston.

Our conversation unravels the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which served as a catalyst for Jeanne to reevaluate her existence and how she was contributing to the world after launching her 3 children. What that process led to was a profound shift towards minimizing her material possessions and moving towards a sustainable lifestyle focused on cultivating the land and developing a new model for food sourcing.

In this episode we talked about:

  • Her transition to regenerative farming in Wisconsin and how launching a brand new business at this stage in life has stretched her in positive ways.
  • The term reinvention and what it means to each of us having both gone through midlife pivots.
  • Her latest novel,'Daughter of a Promise,' and how writing has impacted her life.
  • How connecting with nature has been key for her on this personal growth path.

Jeanne offers insights into her writing process, revealing how storytelling and the transformations of her characters has influenced her life choices. Listen as we explore the profound wisdom and courage gleaned from Jeanne's remarkable journey towards a life rich in purpose and connection.

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