Living Your Sparked Second Half | Episode 398

Episode 398: A Life-Altering 100 Day Commitment to Share A Photo, with Mary Jo Hoffman

mindset Mar 27, 2024

Today’s guest is Mary Jo Hoffman, a former aeronautical engineer turned artist and photographer, who shares her transformative journey from engineering to becoming a full-time “still” photographer who engages deeply with the natural world through a daily creative practice.

Mary Jo is celebrated for a 100 day project, where she commited to take one photograph of nature every day. That daily commitment not only surpassed its first 100 days but has continued over several years resulting in stunning photographs. 

In this episode we talked about:

  • Her transition from aerospace engineer to artist in her mid-40s and now a published author at age 59.
  • The inspiration behind her ongoing project, "STILL," and her daily ritual of capturing still photos of nature.
  • Reflections on the importance of embracing creativity and noticing the beauty in the everyday.
  • The importance of being present and how creative practices are a channel for that.

Our discussion also covered the interesting relationship between creativity and mathematics and gave encouragement to embark on your own 100 day creative journey. 

Mary Jo's husband, Steve, is a food writer, and their experiences as a family living in France further enrich our discussion, highlighting how embracing creativity and mindfulness can lead to fulfilling second acts in life.

Other ways to find and connect with Mary Jo and her husband are:



Mary JO's Book: STILL: The Art of Noticing

Steve Hoffman's Book: A Season for That

Steve Hoffman’s Instagram: 

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