Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 257: When Life’s Challenges Lead You to a New Purpose With Theresa Lease

This week’s interview is with Theresa Lease who is a Life Coach and Breathwork specialist. Theresa specializes in helping women find their way after life has fallen apart from divorce, illness, career changes, or other life shifting events. 

Theresa began life on a farm in Nebraska. After college, she started working for BNSF Railroad. Her job took her to Chicago, Illinois, where she met her husband. After having two children and moving all over the Midwest, her marriage came to an end, and Theresa's life began again as a single mom in Minnesota. Although she worked many jobs, she finally found her passion later in life with life coaching and breathwork.

In this episode, Theresa and I talked about:

  • Her personal story and how she came to her life pivot in her late 40s.
  • How she learned about life coaching and made the decision to dive into it.
  • How she discovered breathwork, why she believes it’s such a great tool, and the science behind it.


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Episode 255: When Greater Purpose Comes With a Wheelchair With Sandie Roberts

career health mindset Aug 30, 2022

This week’s guest is Sandie Roberts, a Disability Advocate and model. After becoming suddenly disabled in 2019 and struggling to come to terms as her life was turned upside down, Sandie found joy through acceptance and recognizing that disability is not a bad word..

Sandy has spoken on television and radio, as a body confidence advocate and expert, a number of times. She has modeled for multiple household names on social media, television and in London Fashion Week.

In this episode, Sandy and I talked about:

  • The health challenges she experienced starting at a young age.
  • How she dealt with the news that she will be paralyzed for the rest of her life.
  • How her perception of what it means to live in a wheelchair has evolved. 
  • How she’s shifting perspectives about the kind of transformation a disability can bring to one’s life.

When Sandy became a full time wheelchair user at the age of 48, it was obviously a major turning point in her life, but as she says, it...

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Episode 253: Finding The Magnificent in Menopause, with Rachel Lankester

career health mindset Aug 23, 2022

This week’s guest is Rachel Lankester, the founder of Magnificent Midlife, an online hub celebrating and empowering women 40+. Rachel is also the author of Magnificent Midlife: Transform Your Middle Years, Menopause and Beyond and host of the Magnificent Midlife podcast.

After a shocking early menopause diagnosis at 41, she scratched her own itch and created what she wasn't able to find to help herself: educational resources and an online membership to help women vibrantly transition through the sometimes messy middle of life.

In this episode, Rachel and I talked about:

  • Hormone test results that led to several different confusing and contradictory menopause diagnoses
  • The magnificent message of her book and why it’s divided into three different phases
  • Ageism and how older women are treated in different cultures
  • Menopause symptoms and her best tips on how to navigate that stage of life

Having extensively researched menopause and ageism, Rachel offers a...

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Episode 249: How COVID Contributed to the Expansion of This Canine Business With Sylvia Koczerzuk

career mindset Aug 08, 2022

This week’s interview is with Sylvia Koczerzuk, a Certified Dog Trainer and Certified Behavior Consultant, helping dog owners for 30 years and now all over the world with her online dog training business.

When the COVID pandemic hit, Sylvia realized that she could provide help to dog owners anywhere by bringing her expertise and knowledge online. She loves sharing her knowledge and it’s clear that her business is her passion.

In this episode, Sylvia and I talked about:

  • How she got into the dog training business and ended up with the name Walkabout Canine.
  • The lessons she’s learned in the past couple of years.
  • How she handles “difficult” dogs.
  • Valuable tips that could improve your relationship with your pet.

Sylvia has been in the pet care business for 30 years and, at age 60, is really excited to take her business to the next level, mapping out a membership model she plans to launch soon. 

Before we began the interview, I asked Sylvia how she...

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Episode 247: Making Fitness a Fun Adventure with Kelly Howard

career mindset Aug 02, 2022

This week's interview is with Kelly Howard, the Fitness Consistency Coach with a touch of Adventure! Kelly helps busy women prioritize their fitness so they can feel great and have more time and energy for the things they love. She believes when you feel strong, confident, and empowered, you can do anything. She currently calls Houston, Texas, home but can often be found kayaking rivers and traveling trails worldwide.

Kelly has focused her program in helping women to enjoy fitness that leads to consistency. Her Fit is Freedom podcast, courses, events (and a book coming out this fall) have changed the lives of thousands of women. She’s also the creator of the FOX TV Outdoor Adventure series.

In this episode, Kelly and I talked about:

  • Her definition of "fitness consistency" and why she built a brand around that term
  • The importance of connecting with nature and how it helps our well-being
  • What made her evaluate her own health and the action she took to improve it
  • Valuable...
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Episode 244: From People Pleasing to Homeless to Living Her Dream Life with Brenda Florida

career mindset Jul 26, 2022

This week’s guest is Brenda Florida, a certified life coach, speaker and podcast host. She specializes in facilitating the transformation from people pleasing into self-love. She’s a strong believer that when we love ourselves we can give to others out of our overflow.

Brenda’s dream transformation didn’t go as planned - when she quit her job to go full time in her coaching business, everything went wrong. She eventually ended up being homeless for 2 years and couch surfing, but through her mindset and perseverance, she now IS living that dream life she had envisioned, with a place of her own 2 blocks from the beach and seeing the business she loves growing and thriving.

In this episode, Brenda and I talked about:

  • The story of her growth trajectory and how she shares her lived experience in her coaching
  • The biggest lessons she’s learned in life, especially from her homeless experience
  • How her perspective on money shifted, as she focused on abundance,...
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Episode 242: You are Never Too Old to Ignite a New Spark with Kim Selby

career mindset Jul 19, 2022


This week’s guest interview is with Kim Selby, a woman with a varied background including advertising, public relations, fashion, acting, travel, motivational speaking, and raising a couple of awesome kids and who is constantly reinventing herself.

She started her career in New Your City, working in advertising, PR and as a traveling Merchandising Editor at Glamour magazine. Act 2 took her to San Francisco, because she had “dated everyone in New York,” and that was a good thing because shortly thereafter she met her soulmate, got married, and had two glorious children, filling her time by volunteering as PTA president as well as other activities. 

Kim has a super fun and vibrant personality and is a great example of how to embrace Act 3 of your life. She is currently being fueled by her love of speaking and her “Ignite Your Spark” podcast, And she’s living by her motto and inspiring those of us over 50 that “you are never too...

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Episode 240: It’s Never Too Late To Learn To Play The Ukulele, with Matt Parkin

career mindset Jul 12, 2022

My guest this week is Matt Parkin, founder of The Awesome Ukulele Academy who can teach anyone how to play a song on the ukulele in under 3 sessions! His virtual school was his reaction to the pandemic, which means it’s one of the positive outcomes because Matt is now able to take his expertise anywhere in the world and awaken the musician in those of us who have always wanted to learn to play an instrument.

After playing in “dodgy” rock bands in the late 80’s and 90’s, Matt moved from the UK to Andalusia to raise his 3 children and chickens and to make furniture.

At the age of 45, he discovered a love of teaching, by pure coincidence, which led him to go back to school and get his degree. When the parents realized how much fun their children were having, he started teaching them too. And now, after taking his ukulele teaching talents to the internet, he has a thriving multi-six figure business teaching adults worldwide how to play what he calls...

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Episode 238: Real Stories Of Becoming Who You Were Meant To Be with Ryan Lesser

mindset Jul 04, 2022

This week’s interview is with Ryan Lesser, Co-Founder and Life Coach at InnerShift. I met Ryan through his partner, Alex Paulos, who invented a unique personality typing methodology where your genetic characteristics are “read” to tell you who you were really born to be.

This reading includes an overall assessment of your general character as well as your unique personality traits, and lets you know if you’ve been operating in alignment with your inborn personality type or if you’ve been operating with a chosen personality that you’ve adopted, thinking it will help you more easily navigate life.

What happens when you don’t operate as the person you were born to be, you aren’t living in your truth - it’s like you are walking around with a mask on - which will take you off course and away from your true path and purpose. 

People who operate from a chosen personality often find themselves frustrated and feeling stressed, which...

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