Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 34: My Trigger That Led Me To Learn More About Racism In This Country

mindset Jun 12, 2020

In this episode I share what triggered me this past week, that initially made me emotional and angry but then led me to begin reading "White Fragility" and getting an eye-opening prospective on how I've contributed to the racism in our country. You can order this book on Amazon using this link:

I highly recommend this book as a starting point for anyone who wants to learn more and encourage you to do what you can to learn about this because this is a problem that ALL OF US need to own and fix. 

Here's a link to the Mind Your Business podcast episode I mentioned with Makhosi Candiss-Potts:

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:




Youtube: ...

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Episode 24: How My New Puppy Has Transformed My Midlife!

health mindset Apr 26, 2020

In this episode, I share the joy that adopting a new puppy has brought to my life, especially in light of being cooped up at home with this pandemic. He has brought love & laughter back into our home after our 15 1/2 year old Chihuahua passed away in January.

But this episode is more than just me talking because I've invited my dog trainer to join in the conversation! Yep!!! I've been getting a little help in my puppy parenting skills from The Dog Academy and its founder Sherry Nativo.

Sherry & I had fun discussing the joys and challenges that having a new puppy brings, as well as the misconceptions many dog owners have when it comes to their dog's behavior. I am so thankful to have had Sherry to help me navigate these early days with Moji, my 4 month old Pooton.

Make sure to stick around to the end when Sherry opens up about her own story of how she got into dog training 10 years ago after her mom suddenly passed away. It's a great story!!!


To connect with Sherry,...

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Episode 21: Has The Pandemic Caused You To Rethink What You Want To Do With The Time You Have Left?

mindset Apr 06, 2020

Facing questions of purpose and feeling unfulfilled at midlife? It's time to take a look at the work you are doing and figure out if it's work you are meant to do. If you don't know where to begin, I suggest your best next step is to take the Sparketype assessment. And if you'd like to learn more at a deeper level and get help for how to kickstart a sparked second half, then join my next workshop. Check out the links for these below!

To take the Sparketype test, click on the following link:

 If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:



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EP19: A Roller Derby Transformation That Brought Fitness, Friends, and New Perspectives with Barbara Dolan

health mindset Mar 22, 2020

Listen how Barbara "Queen B" Dolan earned her nickname as she shares her transformation from an inactive, unfit mom who was clueless when it came to skating to skating competitively for the Windy City Rollers, a roller derby league in Chicago.

After retiring  from competitive skating, Barbara founded Derby Lite because she missed the friends, fun and exercise she’d found in her roller derby league.

Derby Lite brought together several adventurous friends, many of them working moms just like her, who loved the idea of roller derby but couldn’t make the time commitment or accept the risk of injury.

Derby Lite became the first-ever deliberately-safe and intentionally-fun roller skating workout based on the skills and drills of competitive women’s flat track roller derby.

For more information about Barbara and Derby Lite:

Linkedin: ...

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EP18: Tips For Raising Your Vibration In This Difficult Time with Nikki Johnson

mindset Mar 18, 2020

Listen to my oldest daughter, Nikki Johnson, Spiritual Coach and Certified Crystal Healer, explain what having a high (or low) vibration means and a few things you can do to increase or maintain a high vibrational state. We also talk about how her spiritual journey began and why hitting the snooze button was a habit she had to break.

If you'd like to hop into her 5 day "Raise Your Vibration" Challenge, click on the following link:

Access to the challenge will end on 3/22/20, BUT if you'd like to join her next one, you'll be added to her waitlist and will be notified once it's on the calendar!

To find Nikki on social media, here are her links:


If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Instagram: ...

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EP3: How mindset played a key role in her cancer treatment & recovery with Kimberly Fleming Matthews

health mindset Feb 13, 2020

Listen as Kim shares her story from avoiding mammograms, to receiving a soul-shaking diagnosis, to dealing with chemo & losing her hair, to winning her battle against cancer.

Kim's refusal to allow negativity into her sphere while she fought the fight is a great example of how powerful mindset is in the healing process. This is a MUST listen episode! 

Find Kim on Facebook here: Kimberly Fleming Matthews

Let's connect on social media! 

*REMINDER! I'm hosting a contest to celebrate my podcast launch! You can enter right now by simply rating and subscribing to this podcast. Then, send me a screenshot of your rating to [email protected] and you'll be entered to win a variety of prizes. I'll be announcing winners on 2/29!

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