Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 297: A Powerful Example Of Positivity and Faith, with Christie Miller

In this week’s episode of Living Your Sparked Second Half, Christie Miller comes back on the show to talk about her cancer diagnosis which has given her even more clarity about her purpose path.

Christie is a fun-loving, action-oriented, business mentor. She first shared her story in Episode 39 about the obstacles she faced with her family, her career transitions, and overcoming all of them to become the successful business owner she is today. But today, she shares the shocking news she received last June and the health journey she’s walked since we last talked - something she describes as her biggest gift in life.

In this episode, Christie talks about:

  • How following her intuition, which came through a dream, led to her decision about her cancer treatment   
  • The stories of her visualizations coming true
  • What she’s learned about herself during the healing process and a new hobby she’s begun.
  • Her advice for workaholics

Her winning...

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Episode 205: Slow Down, Worry Less, & Live More With Lorna Green

This week is an interview with Lorna Green, who is a yoga teacher and wellness mentor. Lorna uses a combination of yogic wisdom and science-backed mindset techniques to help burnt-out professionals, who can’t stop hustling, slow down so they can stay on top of their game without sacrificing their health, personal life, and mental wellbeing.

Refusing to take life seriously, but serious about the right things, she is on a mission to show people how to worry less and live more.

In this episode, Lorna shared:

  • Her early career in the beauty industry and a valuable tool she learned from that experience - a tool more people need to use. 
  • Her experience of illness, bankruptcy and the loss of a 16 year relationship and how she overcame these obstacles.
  • How she found Yoga and all the wisdom she learned from her that journey.
  • Her great tips on how to worry less.

Lorna’s mantra is: “slow is strong, busy isn’t cool and age is just a number.”  Let Lorna...

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Episode 197: Using the Yoga Mat to Build Spiritual Resilience with Leslie Pearlman

My guest today is Leslie Pearlman, a yoga teacher, spiritual resiliency mentor, and founder of Good Ground Yoga. She’s a former domestic violence attorney and discovered the connection between personal empowerment and self-healing that catapulted her on her mission today of turning ordinary people into “Spiritual Warriors” through yoga.

Over the last 20+ years, Leslie has taught thousands of students how to stand their ground, heal their chronic pain, and take charge of their life. Leslie is also a wife, mom of 1, stepmom of 3, and step-grandmother of 1.

In this episode, Leslie and I talked about:

  • Why she became a domestic violence attorney but ultimately found it unsatisfying.
  • How yoga was introduced to her and played a key role for most of her life.
  • The retreat that led to her major life pivot and quitting law for good.
  • Her 5 spiritual practices she used to overcome her fears when her dream to start her own yoga studio was still a dream, and they likely...
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Episode 173: The Benefits Of A Retreat Reset with Nathania Stambouli

Today’s interview is with Nathania Stambouli who was on the podcast back in late June talking about how she turned her Covid crisis - her LA yoga studio shut down - into a multi 6 figure online business in less than 12 months. 

Please check out Episode 128 to hear her back story, how we met, and how she’s turned her yoga business into a money machine that is now impacting thousands and allowing her to thrive doing what she does best.

I asked her to come back on the podcast because, since she first came on, I’ve joined her yoga community and experienced a week-long retreat with her in Greece, and I wanted to chat with her about it.


In this episode, we talked about:

  • how she started doing Yoga retreats several years ago
  • my fears and experience as a novice and the oldest person on the retreat
  • the practice of Yoga Nidra which I had never experienced before the retreat
  • her upcoming live workshop where you can learn how to master 3 yoga poses


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Episode 151: Finding Passion In An Unusual Field At Age 50, with Stacey Isaacs

I really hit it off with my guest this week, Stacey Isaacs. Stacey has gone through many career transitions - from courtroom attorney, to chef, to writer/editor/author, to now owning and running The Harvest Inn, a bed & breakfast in wine country on the North Fork of Long Island, with her husband. Clearly we had lots to chat about. 

Stacey also has a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine/Herbs and a license in Acupuncture. As she joked, some people think this diversity is interesting while others just think she has the attention-span of a gnat. LOL! But I love her perspective on this constant desire to learn. She says: “My best life began after 40 and I get so frustrated that not all women know how to do this -- it's not hard, you just need the information.”

She authored “The Chinese Medicine Cookbook” because she’s passionate about helping heal people with food. She put all of her knowledge together - foods, herbs, and supplements - and has...

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Episode 137: Feeling Like A Leaky Faucet? Perhaps Your Pelvic Floor Needs A Workout? Interview with Julie Lamm

My guest this week, Yulia Lamm, is a Core Exercise Specialist, a 500 hour Yoga Teacher, and a Strength Coach for women over 50. She works with motivated women who used to be active or want to maintain their active lifestyle in their 50s and beyond.

Coach Jewels, the name she goes by, loves taking women on a journey of connecting with their body, feeling more confident through strength training, mindset and stress-management. And she has a unique speciality helping women who suffer from pelvic pain and/or bladder leakage by teaching them the proper exercises that will address the root of the problem. She believes that every woman is unique and benefits from a uniquely customized plan, and she supports that plan by teaching her clients the foundational principles of movement and strength progression using her A, B, C & F (Alignment, Breath, Core & Feet) framework.

Coach Jewels believes that we should be the CEOs of our own health and that comes with responsibilities, and she...

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Episode 128: Taking Her Yoga Business From Covid Shut Down to A Multi-6 Figure Online Business with Nathania Stambouli

My latest guest has an amazing inspirational story to share! Nathania Stambouli is a yoga teacher, retreat leader and coach who teaches people how to break through limiting beliefs, slay their stories of "I can't" to step fully into YES I CAN and in this episode, she shares how she transformed her business, which was shut down in the middle of a pandemic, from an in-person yoga studio where she was making $36,000 a year to an online yoga program and retreat business making over 350K in just 9 months!  

Nathania believes we have the capacity to create a reality we love when we dare to walk into the fire and do the work. She is a champion for those who aren’t sure they have what it takes to change their life, to teach you that YES YOU CAN and to show you the way. The ONLY thing standing in your way is you (and your excuses)!

She had two major transformations in her life, both of which needed a lot of courage and trust in herself and the universe. First was when she...

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Episode 120: The Menopause Midlife Crisis That Took This Surgeon In A Totally New Direction with Dr. Michelle Gordon

My guest this week is Dr. Michelle Gordon, former surgeon and now founder of Menopause Movement: a community of women flourishing through menopause (and life). In this episode, she shares her journey from being the epitome of success, having a thriving career as a medical doctor, only to find it draining and unfulfilling and chucking it all late-in-life for a risky, but deeply rewarding and purpose-driven mission creating an online program for menopausal women. .

When menopause hit her with embarrassing hot flashes, anxiety, self-doubt, stubborn belly fat, and raging moods, Dr. Michelle knew she needed answers. Through trial and error, she began to thrive. This resulted in a transformation in both the disruption of menopause and her life. And that's when she conceived The Menopause Movement, where she helps women, who, like the old Michelle, struggle with the physical and mental challenges of menopause, find support and answers so they can enjoy life again. 

Not only is this...

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Episode 106: Changing Your Life 1 Pound at A Time with Lisa Asbell

I had so much fun interviewing my latest guest, Lisa Asbell, a southern dynamo who exudes energy and sass! She is one of my favorite interviews because she was so easy to talk to and she made me LOL, more than once!

Lisa speaks from a place of gratitude about life that will surely rub off on you. As she says: "You just need to love yourself to get started."

She's a married, mother of three AND grandmother of three. She grew up poor but had a big drive to succeed from a very young age. She is a Registered Nurse turned entrepreneur and business professional with an extensive background in sales and motivational speaking, training, and coaching.

In this episode, Lisa talks honestly about her big midlife shift which happened in September 2019 when she decided to stop lying to herself that it was it was OK to be 100+ pounds overweight and "that everything is just fine because my blood work is good." That was then she decided to turn her life around, one food choice at a time.


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Episode 104: The Cookbook Coach: Cookbooks Are Her Craft And Could Be Yours Too with Maggie Green

In this episode I got to chat with Maggie Green, owner of the Green Apron Company and host of the podcast Cookbook Love, learn all about her lifelong passion for cooking and how it transformed into a cookbook writing and coaching career.

Maggie took her experience as a Culinary Dietitian and Cookbook Author to the next level when she decided to take the knowledge and lessons she'd learned along the way and help others create cookbooks - so she created the "Get Paid to Get Published" method and program.

I loved hearing Maggie's back story about how she ended up working for the grandson of Irma Rombauer, the author of "The Joy Of Cooking" and the inspiring story of Irma.

What I also found fascinating is what a wide variety of cookbook ideas there are and how publishers are always looking for good cookbooks so you don't have to spend your own money to self publish.

What Maggie has done is a perfect example of how you can turn the wisdom gained from a career into a profitable online...

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