Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 317: Using Intuition to Find a Serial Killer Before He Struck Again

mindset Apr 08, 2023

Did you know I was the wife of one of the 2 detectives who solved this country’s first serial killer case based on DNA evidence? That’s a little known random fact about my earlier years.

I woke up with the idea to share this story so, because I trust the downloads I receive, I went with it. As I was remembering my personal experience and using google to recollect some of the facts, like timing of the events, I thought of two key turning points in the investigation where intuition was used, whether the detectives realized it or not.

Back then, I didn’t have the understanding I do now about how much logic turns us away from the actual truth so reliving this story allowed me to recognize the huge value intuition played in the solving of these murders. If these two detectives had not followed their intuition, they would not have:

  • tied the 3 murders that happened in a different city to the one they were assigned to, or
  • come up with the serial killer’s name so...
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Episode 316: How To Manifest The Seemingly Impossible

mindset Apr 04, 2023

If I hadn't been listening to the book "The Vortex" as I was in the air on my delayed flight, which the airline had confirmed before my departure would cause me to miss my connecting flight, this manifestation would have never happened.

But I just so happened to be on the "Law of Attraction" chapter, and it gave me an idea.

It's funny because I know how manifestation works, but today's episode is a perfect example of how easily we fall into the world of accepting what is, or what we THINK has to be that we have no control over. But in reality, it's the future that hasn't yet happened and that means it can be changed!

We give our power away when all we have to do is change our energy! We must keep the faith that we CAN change our perceived outcomes so the future that might seem impossible becomes possible. And the first step is to BELIEVE what we want to happen is possible.

The book I was reading reminded me of that. It brought be back, not to the reality of my missed...

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Episode 315: The Lesson in Accidents

lessons learned series Mar 31, 2023

I got to thinking about the "accidents" in my life and how looking back on them, I now realize they weren't really accidents at all. I now see these incidents as intentions delivered by the universe.

Why is it that so many of us treat incidents that weren't of our intention as accidents and often bad things or wrong things or things that should not have happened (aka oopsies!)

And in my examples of my oldest daughter and myself as unplanned pregnancies, it really makes you think, right? Because no human being is an accident. We truly are intentions of the universe.

So how about other kinds of accidents? What incidents in your past have you labeled as an accident but were actually the universe's attempt to point you down a path that you are either unwilling to walk or unable to see on your own?

Just because we take intentional action does not mean it's the RIGHT action and it will lead us where we are supposed to go. Quite the contrary!

We often take wrong turns because most of us...

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Episode 314: The Importance of Giving Birth After Menopause

mindset Mar 28, 2023

When I had this thought, it felt important to talk about because those of us who are dealing with the sadness of an empty nest focus so much on missing the kids we gave birth to that we fail to see we can still give birth!!! We can give birth to new ideas, to new dreams, to new goals!

Maybe we no longer can give birth to a child, but would you really want to do THAT again if you could?! Not me!

But our children gave us such purpose and we miss that feeling. I get that. So get pregnant with purpose!

And when you do, focus on the OUTCOME, not all of the effort and steps it will take to get to that goal. Just like the baby was the outcome of your goal of having a child.

What is the desired outcome of a dream you have? What does it look like when it is fully birthed and comes into existence? How does it make you FEEL?

I had fun with this topic because the analogy makes so much sense when you think about it. Listen in and hear my comparisons so you can understand why we find it so easy...

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Episode 313: The Lesson in Limitless Thinking

lessons learned series Mar 24, 2023

In today's "Lesson Learned" episode, I talk about how important it is to dream, and, when you do, why limitless thinking is critical. Some of the highlights I cover are:

  • Why I think many moms don't dream which may give you a good reason to take action.
  • A great analogy to explain how we naturally limit our thinking and what it really means to think limitlessly.
  • Why I suggest the crazier the better as you tap into your imagination when brainstorming your list.
  • Real examples of the kind of results you get when you dream from limited vs. limitless thinking.

Let this episode get you motivated to start dreaming bigger dreams, or simply START if you've never dreamed, like I never did. It's a super fun process once you start playing outside the self-imposed limits (aka boundaries) you've likely created for yourself.

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Episode 312: Finally Finding Her Voice After Being Raised in a Cult, with Tiphany Kane

mindset Mar 21, 2023

Today's guest is Tiphany Kane, who I refer to as a Podcasting Dynamo, because she has not just one but THREE podcasts! I asked her to be on the show because she's a great role model of living a sparked second half, as well as a fantastic example of how you can find your way to a more passionate existence in spite of the hardships or lack of support you may have.

Tiphany has certainly made up for lost time, creating her own company, KaSa Media Productions which allows her to bring her passion for the art of the spoken word to people who need help finding their voice.

She's a coach, public speaker, podcast producer, videography director and is the Executive Director of Sonic Bloom Podcast Awards. Tiphany also hosts the Radical Audacity in Love & Life, Diet Riot Sweat Repeat, and Mastering the Podcaster Mindset podcasts. 

"You are just too passionate." were the words she heard from a supervisor explaining why she was not selected for a promotion she was qualified for....

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Episode 311: The Lesson in a Life Lived Without Values

lessons learned series Mar 19, 2023

In today's Lessons Learned episode, I continue the conversation I started in Episode 310 about how critical it is to have goals that are aligned with your values, but in this episode I thought it would be useful to hear a real-life example so I'm sharing my values and goals.

I'm guessing some of them may resonate with you since you're here listening to my episode and, for that reason, we're probably of like minds. We tend to navigate to people who have similar values to us.

So that's a great hint if you're like I was - someone who was navigating through life totally unaware of what my values are and not having any personal goals. 

I hope this episode brings awareness to what your values are, gets you focused on identifying goals that align with those values, and really paying attention to who you're around and what you're doing day-to-day that's either aligned or misaligned to those values.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and subscribe to (or follow) the...

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Episode 310: Why You Might Be Failing At Your Goals

mindset Mar 14, 2023

What if there was one simple thing you could do, and it was a pretty quick exercise, that would almost guarantee you'd stop failing, or giving up, on the goals you've been setting? Something that would stop you from feeling like you are slogging through quicksand?

And what if this exercise would not only turn on your internal motivation switch, it would get you aligned with your authentic self - the real version of you I talked about in last week's episodes?

Is that something you'd be interested in learning more about?

If it is, you'll love today's episode in which I talk about the #1 reason that most people are failing at their goals and how this might be an indication that you have the wrong goals.

I also share how you can remedy this problem before you go to bed tonight. In fact, it's something everyone needs to do ASAP. And guess what, it's something I didn't do until I was 60 years old.   But once I did it, it was a goal game changer!!! 

If you realize this...

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Episode 309: JFDI #12: Going Deep On Human Design and Self-Discovery!

In this episode I share my experience of having my human design chart read by a human design expert from the School of Human Design. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for over a year and I finally just friggin’ did it!

If you’re not familiar with human design, it is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered that helps individuals truly understand their authentic selves and know when they are not showing up as the person they were born to be. It also explains the areas where we are likely to be most inauthentic and susceptible to conditioning by others.

I discovered by own human design a little over a year ago but only touched the surface with it, not understanding the many nuances about it because a chart is very complex. Think of it like the operating manual for your conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself and it really takes an expert in the field, to read and interpret the human design language for you.

In this episode I share:

  • The five human...
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Episode 308: How Personality Tests Can Harm You

mindset Mar 07, 2023

Who doesn't love a great personality test?! I know I love learning more about myself! But here's the thing... Your results might be wrong!!!

Yep! That's right! You could be getting misinformation about yourself!

What I've learned, as I've gained a lot of knowledge in this field over the past 3 years, is that over 70% of the population is getting incorrect results because they are not in alignment with who they were born to be.

Instead the majority of us are navigating around life trying to adapt who we are to meet society's expectations and when we do that, we end up denying our "inborn" nature and fall into misalignment.

So if you are not in true alignment, do you think when you take a personality test, you'll answer questions based on who you were born to be? Heck no! Your results will be based on who you THINK you are - who you've chosen to be, and not who you truly are.

And because these results could lead you down the totally wrong path, I thought this was an important topic...

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