Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 57: Are You Really Showing Up Authentically? Now You Can Find Out Through A Simple Virtual Typing Session, with Alex Paulos

health mindset Sep 21, 2020

I'm excited to have Alex Paulos, a personality expert and leadership coach and author of the Recognizing People, as my special guest today.

Alex has “cracked the code” into providing genetically-based personality assessments based on his intuitive system of understanding people and the facades they seek to hide behind.

He has worked with several companies and thousands of individuals to help them utilize their unique talents and strengths to fulfill their potential and create cohesive relationships and businesses.

With Paulos Personality Typology, Alex gives individuals & companies the keys to understanding themselves and others. His main goal is to help people create more balance, peace, and fulfillment in their lives.

I learned about Alex through another podcast I listen to and as soon as I finished listening to that interview, I immediately went to his website and signed up for a typing session.

My experience was so mind blowing that I arranged a...

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EP56: A Motherā€™s Love Of Celebrations That Inspired A Late-in-Life Business Idea with Lisa Bader

Did you know that the things we love as a child can inform us of a future path? But often, life takes ahold of us and drives us in a different direction, only to realize much later in life, when we wake up one day feeling less than fulfilled on the chosen path. 

We fail to see a connection between our past experiences and the path we are meant to walk. And like Lisa, sometimes the universe intervenes when we get a whack on the side of the head, which in her case, was a health crisis.

It's like Oprah says: "if you don't pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder and louder and louder. I say it's like getting thumped upside the head." This "thump" gives us pause to consider the alternatives that would not have been noticed had the universe not intervened.

We often look at a health crisis as just that - a crisis - instead of an opportunity, a gift from the universe, to assess where we are in life and how we would live differently if...

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Episode 55: Feeling Unfulfilled at Midlife? Itā€™s Time to Fix That!

mindset Sep 09, 2020

In today's episode, I'm talking about the 5 different roles I've identified and how they relate to the fulfillment level you are feeling in your life today. I'm very passionate about this topic and have made it my mission to bring more fulfillment to women who have reached midlife and still feel as if something is missing.

If you're curious about what your result might be and are ready to get on a path of self-discovery, take my Midlife Fulfillment Level quiz at:

Once you get your results, take a picture of them and post it on Instagram or Facebook and TAG ME! I'd love to see what you got and would be happy to give you tips on how to move closer to the Sparked Soul level, if that's not your result AND you're ready to take action on the highest level of fulfillment possible!!!

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Facebook: ...

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EP54: Going From Medical Devices to Hypnosis: Tackling Problems from the Inside vs. the Outside with Christine Marie Pizzuto

career health Sep 06, 2020

Today's guest Christine Marie Pizzuto, was in a career for 29 years only to realize that the job she' was doing was not something that really sparked her.

Christine's journey started back in 2009 when she decided to finally listen to that small voice that was sending her nudges to do more in life. In 2011 she started training and she eventually opened her business in 2013.

Now, she's a Board-certified hypnotist & Life Mastery Consultant with a deep understanding of what drives and motivates behaviors. Christine has helped countless of individuals create the changes in their lives that they never thought they could make. She has also developed a proven, repeatable system that helps her clients create highly successful businesses and  thrive in every area of their lives! She’s known as the 'Results Expert'!

Her message is to inspire YOU to listen to that 'still small voice' inside that we all have. She believes that when you discover who you REALLY are, and who you...

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EP53: A Facebook Soul Connection: High School Classmates Who Reconnected at Midlife with Ken and Jennifer Hoffman

family & relationships Aug 30, 2020

This week's episode is all about love and re-connections which is one of my favorite subjects! Ken and Jennifer Hoffman, who were high school classmates, share their story about how they connected on Facebook and a romance developed. And all because Jen updated her Facebook profile with a new picture! 

"When it's right, it's right as rain, when it's right, there is no pain, when it's right  it's not again" as Ken quoted his favorite song to Jen..

However this is not just your ordinary re-connection love story as Ken and Jen share the major road bump you never want to face when Jennifer got a diagnosis of tongue cancer. They were only married for 4 short years when they received the devastating news. Jennifer has faced three bouts of cancer since August of 2018 but, after a harrowing and difficult battle, she's been cancer free since January of this year.

Their story reflects the amazing ups and downs of life and love and clearly the battle they faced has brought them even...

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EP52: Sex After 50: When Sex Therapy Becomes Your Midlife Career Change with Jessa Zimmerman

career health Aug 23, 2020

This week my special guest is Jessa Zimmerman, a certified sex therapist and couples’ counselor. She specializes in helping couples who have a good relationship but who are avoiding sex because it’s become stressful, negative, disappointing, or pressured. She educates, coaches, and supports people as they go through her 9-phase experiential process that allows them real world practice in changing their relationship and their sex life.

Some may consider sex an uncomfortable topic, but it's a fact of life when you are in a love partnership, and Jessa's aim is to educate everyone to evaluate their sex lives and have a goal of a healthy and intimate sexual connection with their partners.

She also shares her story about her first marriage that ended in divorce and how that forced her back into the workforce and ultimately led her back to school to follow an unrealized passion. She got her Master's Degree and became a certified therapist and then became interested in sex...

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Episode 51: The Value My Framily Has Brought To Me

family & relationships Aug 21, 2020

This episode is a tribute to long-lasting friendships! Friends who are more like family, aka Framily!!!

I can't imagine my life without my college besties, Kathy, Tammy & Kim. We have been through it all - studying for exams, dating, marriages, having babies, dealing with divorce, overcoming illness, fun adventures, career changes, lots of shopping, loss of jobs, loss of parents, launching our children into the world and now welcoming grandchildren - everything that life brings. We've been buddies for 43 years!

I don't get to see them very often but we chat frequently and when I do get time with them, it is treasured beyond measure. 

They lift me up. They support me. When something good happens, they are the first ones I want to share it with. When I have a crisis, they are the first ones I want advice from.

Do you have long-standing BFFs in your life? Or even more recent ones? If so, reach out today and tell them you love them and how much they mean to you. I am sure...

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EP50: An Incest Survivorā€™s Journey To Heal And Help with Nancy Allen

family & relationships Aug 16, 2020

In this week's episode, Nancy Allen talks about her experience as an incest survivor. She shares her heart-wrenching story of navigating sexual abuse by her own father.

She was physically and emotionally abused until a teacher noticed her odd behavior which led to a  mandated, but brief, kinship foster care placement by social services. She talks about the judicial system that failed her and allowed her to be placed back into her family home with her abusive father who was not charged.

She was able to escape her abuse by leaving for college and doing well in school. She also was fortunate to find a caring and compassionate boyfriend who she married at the age of 20. She went on to have a successful engineering career and lived a pretty normal life, becoming a mom to 2 biological sons and later adopting twin boys with special needs.

Unfortunately her life was upended when her husband of 28 years committed...

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Episode 49: How I Manifested the Loss of Millions of Dollars (Yes! Ugh!)

mindset Aug 14, 2020

In this episode I get super vulnerable and share how I manifested the loss of millions of dollars in stock options and how embarrassed and ashamed I used to be from my mishandling of money until I uncovered the greater lesson from it.

In my later years, as I've gained a deeper understanding of the Universal Laws, and in particular, the Law of Attraction and how we can not only manifest what we want into our life,  but also what we don't want.

I've also learned that our relationship with money is just another set of beliefs that are running on auto pilot and have been following us around since childhood, and if we don't get to the root of them and understand how they are impacting our life, then we will never conquer our money "problems." They will follow us everywhere we go.

So here is my true story of how my beliefs around money and the unexpected consequences of living a life out of alignment with what my soul truly desired impacted me in a deep way, AND what I'm doing now...

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EP48: How Her Quest to Become a Mom Led To Amazing and Unexpected Opportunities with Liz Melville

EP48: Have you ever wanted something so bad and through the process of going after that dream, an even better dream than you imagined unfolded for you? 

Well, THAT is what happened to my guest, Liz Melville. She had an all-consuming job and got to the point where she felt that if she wanted to become a mom, she had to quit.

When Liz found herself marrying later in life and unable to  get pregnant, she knew something had to give so she chose to make having a baby, her #1 priority. As she faced an unknown road ahead with infertility, she took advantage of an "exit" package when her company restructured and went ALL IN with IVF treatments. 

During this time she dabbled a bit as an entrepreneur with a seemingly, "knowing" mentality that she was meant for bigger & better things and that she would figure it out.

Once she became a mom, her focus became figuring out a way to be with her son while also finding a way to...

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