Not Your Average Lives Podcast

Episode 260: Finding Answers Beyond the Physical Realm With Jacqueline Pirtle

career mindset spirituality Sep 20, 2022

This week’s guest is Jacqueline Pirtle, a bestselling author of inspiring self-help books, podcaster, speaker, knowing-of-the-soul thought leader, mindful happiness expert, and healing practitioner with twenty-four years of experience helping thousands of clients all over the world to discover their own happiness and how to live a conscious and mindful life.

Jacqueline’s special skill as a healing practitioner is her clairvoyant abilities. She works with energy and other holistic modalities to find solutions that go way beyond the physical level, and in so doing, she finds solutions to the trickiest life issues, questions, and situations that are hard to imagine. 

In this episode, Jacqueline and I talked about:

  • What it means to read people’s energy.
  • Finding the beauty in crying and anger.
  • The signs and symptoms that tell you when you’re out of alignment and how to correct that.
  • Her incredible, one-book-a-month publishing goal and the subjects she wrote...
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Episode 259: How Labels Delay Us From Finding Our Passion-Filled Purpose With Jen Kline Clark

career mindset Sep 13, 2022

This week’s guest is Jen Kline Clark, a lawyer by trade with a curvy path through service, charter schools, nonprofits, advertising/marketing, and now as a coach for business owners helping them design their dream business that’s profitable, her journey has been filled with passion, love and community.

Her biggest career pivot was when she decided to sell her lucrative advertising business and be a full time coach when she realized her true passion was helping clients who came to her for ads in her advertising business, but stayed for her business guidance, that’s exactly the moment when she decided to put her focus on their success.

In this episode, Jen and I talked about:

  • Why her dad called her the “black sheep” of the family and how that label impacted her.
  • Her pattern of always choosing logic vs. following her heart and how it affected her path in life.
  • Valuable lessons she’s learned about why businesses aren’t profitable and the one...
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Episode 258: The Lesson in Making an Assumption

lessons learned series Sep 10, 2022

In today's episode I share a recent experience where I made an assumption that was totally incorrect about my husband. As you listen, let it be a reminder to you to always be aware of how your thoughts about a situation or person may in fact be absolutely incorrect, even if you don't believe them to be.

The definition of assumption is "a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof." But we THINK we have proof because we think our thoughts are fact.

How could your life improve if you began questioning your thoughts and giving others the benefit of the doubt?

Listen in as I share 5 tips that will improve the quality of your relationships and likely decrease conflict if you apply them when catching yourself in an assuming state of mind.

Here is the blog post I referenced on the episode:

And here is the quote I shared from Don Miguel Ruiz in his book "The...

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Episode 257: When Lifeā€™s Challenges Lead You to a New Purpose With Theresa Lease

This week’s interview is with Theresa Lease who is a Life Coach and Breathwork specialist. Theresa specializes in helping women find their way after life has fallen apart from divorce, illness, career changes, or other life shifting events. 

Theresa began life on a farm in Nebraska. After college, she started working for BNSF Railroad. Her job took her to Chicago, Illinois, where she met her husband. After having two children and moving all over the Midwest, her marriage came to an end, and Theresa's life began again as a single mom in Minnesota. Although she worked many jobs, she finally found her passion later in life with life coaching and breathwork.

In this episode, Theresa and I talked about:

  • Her personal story and how she came to her life pivot in her late 40s.
  • How she learned about life coaching and made the decision to dive into it.
  • How she discovered breathwork, why she believes it’s such a great tool, and the science behind it.


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Episode 256: [JFDI #6] Send The Damn Note!

This episode, as many are, was inspired by my own recent experience where I had a thought to send a card, but then I stalled on getting that nice gesture done. Do you do this too or am I the only oddball?!?!

Fortunately I didn't stall too long, or worse, follow through at all! I GOT IT DONE! But as I thought about my experience and how often I actually DON'T act on these thoughts, I realized it was a perfect example of something that fits into the category of "just friggin do it!"

Sending a thoughtful note seems like such a simple thing, a minor task that shouldn't take much time and means so much to the receiver, yet so many of us don't put that thought into action because we get caught up in our busy lives and bigger tasks that, in the end, probably don't matter as much!

So my ask of you today is to FOLLOW THROUGH on that nice gesture you've thought of but may not have acted on yet... Get that card, take a few minutes to write that message you've been thinking about, and...

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Episode 255: When Greater Purpose Comes With a Wheelchair With Sandie Roberts

career health mindset Aug 30, 2022

This week’s guest is Sandie Roberts, a Disability Advocate and model. After becoming suddenly disabled in 2019 and struggling to come to terms as her life was turned upside down, Sandie found joy through acceptance and recognizing that disability is not a bad word..

Sandy has spoken on television and radio, as a body confidence advocate and expert, a number of times. She has modeled for multiple household names on social media, television and in London Fashion Week.

In this episode, Sandy and I talked about:

  • The health challenges she experienced starting at a young age.
  • How she dealt with the news that she will be paralyzed for the rest of her life.
  • How her perception of what it means to live in a wheelchair has evolved. 
  • How she’s shifting perspectives about the kind of transformation a disability can bring to one’s life.

When Sandy became a full time wheelchair user at the age of 48, it was obviously a major turning point in her life, but as she says, it...

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Episode 254: Part 2: The Lessons From An Unexpected Manifestation

lessons learned series Aug 27, 2022

This is Part 2 of me sharing the experience of my unexpected manifestation in the midst of its unfolding. I suggest you listen to Part 1 where I talk about the why and how of the manifestation before pressing play on this episode.

In this episode I share TEN lessons I've learned over the past week as I embarked on this surprising and pretty big change in my life.

As I said in the episode, it's incredible how the mission of AARP and the work I do as a coach align, and I can't wait to see how each will positively impact the other as I navigate both worlds going forward.

I am so excited to see where this new path leads me AND the lives I'm committed to improving.

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and subscribe to (or follow) the podcast (if you haven't already) so you don't miss any new episodes.

If you'd like to connect or reach out to ME, you can find me at:

Email: [email protected]

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Episode 253: Finding The Magnificent in Menopause, with Rachel Lankester

career health mindset Aug 23, 2022

This week’s guest is Rachel Lankester, the founder of Magnificent Midlife, an online hub celebrating and empowering women 40+. Rachel is also the author of Magnificent Midlife: Transform Your Middle Years, Menopause and Beyond and host of the Magnificent Midlife podcast.

After a shocking early menopause diagnosis at 41, she scratched her own itch and created what she wasn't able to find to help herself: educational resources and an online membership to help women vibrantly transition through the sometimes messy middle of life.

In this episode, Rachel and I talked about:

  • Hormone test results that led to several different confusing and contradictory menopause diagnoses
  • The magnificent message of her book and why it’s divided into three different phases
  • Ageism and how older women are treated in different cultures
  • Menopause symptoms and her best tips on how to navigate that stage of life

Having extensively researched menopause and ageism, Rachel offers a...

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Episode 252: The Lessons From An Unexpected Manifestation - Part 1

lessons learned series Aug 18, 2022

Wow! This one will probably be a shocker for sure!!! I know it was for me... I share something that was unexpectedly delivered to me by the universe in the most amazing way. I'm still in disbelief about how it went down.

What a great example of how powerful our thoughts are, proof that the universe is always listening and assisting, and when we get out of the way and stop trying to force things, incredible things can happen.

In this episode I talk about the big change that is about to happen in my life, including what caused me to take this step, how this step I never could've predicted manifested into my reality (crazy story!), and the lessons I've received so far.

Below are two past episodes and a book that I reference in this episode. (The Human Design episode number was incorrectly referenced in the recording so the link below shows the correct number and will lead you to the correct place).

Episode 246: The Lessons of the Invisible Staircase

Episode 169: Learning Her Human...

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Episode 251: When Your Husbandā€™s Serious Illness Leads You to Your Purpose With Jenny Waters

career health Aug 16, 2022

This week’s guest is Jenny Waters, a certified nutrition and habit coach for women in midlife. Jenny is an empty nest mom to 3 daughters and married to her college sweetheart. She’s known by most of her clients as the Queen of Follow Through because she’s all about creating small sustainable habits that make you feel good and create momentum.

Based on a couple of life-altering experiences Jenny witnessed with loved ones, she came to realize the key to having an adventurous midlife is being healthy enough to enjoy it. After lots of research and a desire to help others with the knowledge she gained, she got certified as a Transformational Nutrition Coach from ITN. 

Her passion has become helping empty nesters nourish their bodies with a combination of anti-inflammatory foods, restorative sleep, energizing exercise, and routine self-care. Now, she’s helping women in this stage of life put themselves first again and improve their health without...

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